A beautiful lawn is the first impression your home gives to everyone. There are many dangers to your lawn’s health, and it is important that you can recognize and solve problems. Here are three common causes of turf damage, and tips on caring for your lawn and preventing any problems.
One of the most obvious parts of caring for and maintaining a healthy lawn is the amount of moisture it receives. When it comes to watering your lawn, you can go too far or not far enough. It’s important to find the happy medium that ensures your turf grows deep roots in search of groundwater and gets enough water to keep it green and avoid dry spots.
Pesticide and Chemicals
Spilling pesticide or gasoline, or applying too much fertilizer can kill the grass and result in discoloration on your lawn. Be careful when using any chemicals on your lawn, to avoid getting yellow or brown dead spots.
There are several ways mowing can cause turf damage to Idaho lawns. Cutting your grass too low can damage its ability to grow and can weaken the grass over time. A dull blade can create brown spots in the lawn and make the grass ragged. Not cutting your grass often enough can harm the grass as you cut the overgrowth. Make sure you are cutting often enough and using a sharp blade to avoid hurting your turf.
Homeowners in Idaho can turn to Diamond Lawns to help diagnose and treat any turf damage on their lawns. We know the importance of caring for your lawn and avoiding turf damage. Contact us today to learn more about our treatment packages and how we can help improve and care for your yard.