Record-smashing heatwaves that are surging across the country can make the summer months a bit more difficult. For the most part, we’re stuck inside trying to make the most of air conditioning while waiting for a reprieve. Our lawns, on the other hand, have no choice but to weather the storm. Lawn care during the height of the hottest months of the year isn’t easy. It requires a bit of proactive planning as well as ongoing lawn maintenance to get the job done. Fortunately, Diamond Lawns can help property owners across Idaho keep on top of things.
Current forecasts for Idaho included temperatures in the 90s, frequent fire watches and drier weather throughout the end of July 2020. These are rough conditions and extreme heat takes a toll on lawns. Patches of dead grass, wilted flower beds and the need for sprinkler systems are all common occurrences during summer months. Below are some of the best warm-weather lawn care tips from Diamond Lawns, which can also assist with pest control in Meridian, Idaho.
Sprinkler Solutions: Sprinkler systems will keep your lawn looking fresh when Mother Nature refuses to water it on her own. Best practice dictates that homeowners water their lawn via sprinkler in the morning or around sundown. Moist soil up to about six inches deep is a sign that the lawn has been sufficiently watered; only the first inch of areas that were recently seeded must be kept moist. It can be a lot to keep track of and it’s certainly hard work if you’re lugging a hose or watering can around. When working with Diamond Lawns for sprinkler system needs, it’s possible to both install a new system or revamp and existing one. The professionals at Diamond Lawns can help keep your lawn looking lush and make the most of automation – giving you more free time to address other household projects.
Long(er) on the Top: Lawn maintenance packages provided by Diamond Lawns includes mowing, edging and trimming. These are primary concerns during summer months and some of the tricks of the trade can boost the health of the grass. Leaving the clippings on the lawn, “as long as they’re not wet and heavy,” according to, can turn them into fertilizer. Cutting grass too short can rob it of crucial nutrients and the ability to absorb them. Additionally, weekly cuttings will be required during the growing season. If you’re schedule is already too booked to fit this in, consider hiring Diamond Lawns to get the job done and roll tree and shrub care into the services, too.
Bug Out: There’s an insult to injury when it comes to pest control during the summer. If you fail to address the bugs when they are outside, it’s possible that periods of high heat and drought will drive them indoors. That means homeowners could be dealing with spiders, ants and ticks in their damp basements – unless they consult Diamond Lawns for pest control in Meridian, Idaho. A “premium” package includes interior and exterior services as well as insect control apps and wasp net removal among other offerings.